Tuesday, October 26, 2010

O How I've missed you bloggie!

 I sincerely apologize to you all, I haven't put a new blog post up in two weeks!

Let me just fill you in a a little bit that has been going on in my life. For the past two weekends my wonderful girlfriend has come home to visit where both of those weekends we have enjoyed hours and hours of the fair. At the fair we did all kinds of things like devour fair food, ride rides, and play games.....you know the usual fair stuff.

The Rides:
Due to my unheard of undaunted (not intimidated by difficulty or danger) ability. I took on three, count 'em three fair rides. They included The Himalaya, The Scrambler, and the Ferris Wheel. 
Just check out how scary these rides are. In fact they were so scary, I saw the majority of riders between the ages of 5-10. :D

The Food:

Thank you high metabolism! Because if I was able to gain weight I would have done just that in the past two weekends. I consumed funnel cakes, ice cream, corn, a barbeque plate with fries green beans and slaw, pizza, turkey legs, and other things I cannot even think of right now.

The Games:

Geez do I have an act for winning the fair games. I think out of the 10 times I played I won one time. However, I did manage to stump The Guesser when I asked him to guess my weight. He had to be within 3 lbs and he was 4 lbs off! He blamed it on the ice cream cone I was holding while steeping on the scale. 

During the week I have been just doing my usual thing just school, internship, and work. Which by the way work has been really aggravating me lately. I guess SOME people think its ok to ask me to do favors and expect me to drop everything for them. But when it comes for me to ask a favor, I get nasty remarks. Buuuuuut its ok, I guess that is just the disadvantage of being too nice sometimes :)

This weekend is Halloween peoples!!!!!! What are you going to be? 
     I think this Halloween my girlfriend and I are going to be nerds. It'll be a challenge for her to pull it
     off but for me it will be a piece of cake. ;) Might I also add that I will be spending it in Wilmington. 
     So we'll see how jiggy 'ol Wilmy gets for Halloween. 

....Anyway that's about it for now. Thanks for reading and remember to follow my blog!

-Bryce Kain
Blog Extraordinaire, Master Nerd

1 comment:

  1. i'm following i'm following! :) :) :) and nerds is a cute costume. No one will recognize me in mine BAAHAHAHHA
