Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekend Recap!

O hello Monday, nice of you to drop by and end my break....

Good day to you all! Check out my blog doesn't it look awesome?!

Well, over the weekend I hired a girl named Megan Jesse to give my blog an extreme makeover. It cost me only a few kisses and hugs, and the work that she did was astounding.

I don't know how I did it, but I also talked Megan into spending her time with me the whole weekend AND to let me stay in her apartment. :)  It was an awesome weekend to say the least where it was filled with many activities. Rather than go through everyday and tell you what I did, I will just tell you that my weekend was filled with all kinds of great food, friends, study time, tennis, babysitting, and rest!!! If you want to know in detail about the weekend just check out this site: She does a much better job of explaining things than I do, and she has the pictures :D

This week upcoming week will be a little hectic for me because I have two tests, but I am going to prepare myself and ace those things! Mondays can't bring me down.

...Thats all I have for you now bloggers, I know it's short but I cannot spend too much time on here because of my studies!

Here is an awesome quote that defines the relationship between Megan and I:

"We are all a little weird, Life's a little weird & When we met someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, We fall in to 'mutual weirdness' & call it love" -Dr. Seuss 

And I can't help but put this pic of good ol' Spongebob!

-You like Krabby Patties don't you Squidward?

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