Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Geez has it been a while since I have blogged!

I have been so neglectful of my blog. Sorry I haven't had an entry in a while but SO many things have been going on I can barely keep my head on straight.

Less than a month is left of school! Where did the time go? I'll be graduating soon that's supaaaa crazy! With that being said, the past weeks have been filled with so much homework and tests, but the good news is now that I don't have anything to do for the rest of the week. :D

Guys like rock/punk music?

If you do you have to check out the new A Day to Remember CD its awesome! These guys know how to jam if you ask me! I have been a dedicated fan since the first CD!
Give it a try, it might be a new feel, or not your style music but be open minded.

and here I am playing my acoustic guitar..........jk! I do look legit though right?

Haha! And check Brett, Chris, Andrew and I jammin out! 
Sorry that it overlaps a bit I was having some trouble :(

Bryce's final thought: 

Hear ye! Hear ye! fellow noblemen, kinsmen, knights, blacksmiths, dragon slayers, fair lads and lasses, peasants, wizards, summoners, and other dwellers of the land! Go-ith with wisdom and may thine sprits of the wind guide you through your paths to righteousness! May no goblin, dark wizard, dragon or any other heathen stand-ith in the way of your quests!

Till we meet again!
Master Wizard

MOM(Master of Mage)
ALS(Advanced Level Spell-casting) 

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