Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rainy Days!

Whew! I have been slacking these past few days. And because I know almost a fourth of the world's population reads my blog, I feel that it is my duty to fill you in on whats been going on in my life this past week :)

In general, this week has been nothing but school, school, and more school. Let me just fill you in on what has to do turned in within the next week.

Friday (Oct. 1st): Business Statistics homework
Sunday(Oct 3rd): Financial Accounting homework
Monday(Oct 4th): European History Midterm

Although this may not sound like a lot, let me tell you a little bit about why I am stressing out so bad.
In my European History class, since school started, I have neglected to real about 300 pages of the assigned reading. When told by my instructor this past Monday that the reading is crucial to getting a good grade on the midterm, I thought big deal I'll just read it later. When I saw it was 300 pages later that day I flipped! The good news is that as of today (Wednesday), I have almost completed all of the reading and have decided to leave the last 60 pages or so to do as needed when handed the midterm :)

To say the less, much of the weekend I have ahead of me will be dedicated to school. This week I have been trying my hardest to get all of my school work done so I can spend it with someone very special who is in fact coming to spend her fall break back home!!! If you can't figure out who this mystery lady is by now, that mystery lady would be the one and only Megan :) SO, to wrap up this boring talk of school, I am going to try to finish my ALL of my homework by Thursday or Friday so I can enjoy myself this weekend.

And how bout this rain the past week!? While many people hate the rain I seem to like it as it creates ideal conditions for naps and slacking off inside. Besides, North Carolina much needed it.

Funny Clip of the day!

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