Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dentist Experiences :)

They call me yuck mouth, not because I don't brush, but because the dentist told me yesterday that I have cavities on all of my molars :( Which did not help the fact that I am kind of scared of the dentist. Wait........hold on...Bryce scared of something?.............You mean super buff, King of manly manliness Bryce?....Well.... yes that is correct I am not very fond of the dentist and I'll tell you why:

I got my first cavity a year or so ago and the dentist told me that I needed a filling. I thought to myslef, hey, no problem it wont hurt that bad. Well after they gave me my shot to numb my mouth they started drilling on my tooth. Immediately after they started it began to hurt like crazy until a man tear rolled down the side of my scruffy man beard. They asked me what is wrong and I told them that it was hurting bad. Not as bad as the time I wrestled with lions, but pretty darn close. They went on to ask why I did not tell them, and I replied that I never had one before and I thought that one shot would do it all. However, after another shot they finished the job and all was good.....Or so I thought! A short time after when I was eating an apple at Java Jive my tooth that they had worked on cracked! I though ohh no! I am going to have to go back and get it drilled on again :( !!!! Guess they didn't fill it good enough!

(Basically, if I was black, this is how I looked when it happened :P)

To make this long story short I finally went to the dentist yesterday after letting the tooth rot for a couple of months. So be proud of me people!!!!! However,  I'm happy to say that I started a new dentist and he is great! And now if I have to go get a filling, which I most definitely will have to do very soon on my other 3 teeth, I will not be as anxious as before!

All dentistry aside, I want to dedicate this little section to Megan!!! This is the first weekend since an AWESOME summer ended and ANOTHER school semester started. Right now I feel blah that she's not here but happy at the same time that she gets to go with her friends to see Mike Posner yo! ANDD it's  ok because next weekend I get to see her gorgeous gorgeous face and we might even be able to work at Java Jive together! How cool would that be!?

Anyways, thats all for now folks keep on reading!!!!..........and you stay classy San Diego!

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