Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Another day!

I used to love Wednesdays! But now it is the busiest day of my week. Right now I am sitting in Dunkin Donuts with a everything bagel loaded  w/ cream cheese, two chocolate frosted donuts, and a tall drink of water. Yeh I know Ima fatty but Mmmmmmm is it good. Andddd I've been told I need to gain a little weight anyway

After knocking out Business Statistics, History, and Legal and Regulatory Environment, I am going to head over my parents house to have a nice home cooked meal and then its HALO REACH! So stay tuned for whats next you noobs!

p.s. I miss my girlfriend!!! Wish I was spending my days at the beach, or she spending her days in the city! Please check out her blog its so cooool!

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