Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Adventures of being a Nerd

I have neglected to do my blog for quite sometime now and I am not sure why. Maybe it is because I have been with my best friend (Megan Jesse) in all of my spare time. For the past two weekends I have made the trip down to Wilmington and loved every second. I even got to break out the golf clubs with Kevin and Megan! I think Megan out did me and Kev on about every shot :P

On the other hand maybe it is because I have been playing my favorite video game of all time- KINGDOM HEARTS! It is quite an awesome storyline and I never get sick of playing the game. In a short non-detailed summary you play as Sora, the chosen wielder of the Keyblade. Your mission initially is to find your lost friends Riku and Kairi who get engulfed in darkness. However, your quest is interrupted by Donald and Goofy who are looking for someone as well, King Mickey! After sealing the keyholes of many different Disney worlds such as the Deep Jungle, Wonderland, Atlantica, Halloween Town, Agrabah, 100 Acre Wood, Olympus Coliseum and many more, you eliminate the Heartless one by one ultimately arriving to Ansem, the master of darkness. As the journey is coming to an end and many twists arise (such as Riku turning to darkness) you finally get to battle Ansem and reveal to him that Kingdom Hearts is not filled with Darkness, but in fact LIGHT!

I wont keep going on about this game I could write a 20 page paper on all the details about the game but I will save you the agony.

Dooode guess what? I got an Ocarina too! While me and Megan were playing around in World Market we found this awesome Ocarina. I even learned how to play some Saria's Song from Zelda! I wish I had the video to show you all

Anyway school keeps calling my name so I better get back to studying. I forgot how much writing my thoughts down on paper, or in this case, the computer could be so soothing to me. Please look forward to  more posts. I wont let you down my 2 followers!

Wielder of the Keyblade
Blog Extraordinaire
Master Nerd
Mystical Wizard

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