Tuesday, October 26, 2010

O How I've missed you bloggie!

 I sincerely apologize to you all, I haven't put a new blog post up in two weeks!

Let me just fill you in a a little bit that has been going on in my life. For the past two weekends my wonderful girlfriend has come home to visit where both of those weekends we have enjoyed hours and hours of the fair. At the fair we did all kinds of things like devour fair food, ride rides, and play games.....you know the usual fair stuff.

The Rides:
Due to my unheard of undaunted (not intimidated by difficulty or danger) ability. I took on three, count 'em three fair rides. They included The Himalaya, The Scrambler, and the Ferris Wheel. 
Just check out how scary these rides are. In fact they were so scary, I saw the majority of riders between the ages of 5-10. :D

The Food:

Thank you high metabolism! Because if I was able to gain weight I would have done just that in the past two weekends. I consumed funnel cakes, ice cream, corn, a barbeque plate with fries green beans and slaw, pizza, turkey legs, and other things I cannot even think of right now.

The Games:

Geez do I have an act for winning the fair games. I think out of the 10 times I played I won one time. However, I did manage to stump The Guesser when I asked him to guess my weight. He had to be within 3 lbs and he was 4 lbs off! He blamed it on the ice cream cone I was holding while steeping on the scale. 

During the week I have been just doing my usual thing just school, internship, and work. Which by the way work has been really aggravating me lately. I guess SOME people think its ok to ask me to do favors and expect me to drop everything for them. But when it comes for me to ask a favor, I get nasty remarks. Buuuuuut its ok, I guess that is just the disadvantage of being too nice sometimes :)

This weekend is Halloween peoples!!!!!! What are you going to be? 
     I think this Halloween my girlfriend and I are going to be nerds. It'll be a challenge for her to pull it
     off but for me it will be a piece of cake. ;) Might I also add that I will be spending it in Wilmington. 
     So we'll see how jiggy 'ol Wilmy gets for Halloween. 

....Anyway that's about it for now. Thanks for reading and remember to follow my blog!

-Bryce Kain
Blog Extraordinaire, Master Nerd

Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekend Recap!

O hello Monday, nice of you to drop by and end my break....

Good day to you all! Check out my blog doesn't it look awesome?!

Well, over the weekend I hired a girl named Megan Jesse to give my blog an extreme makeover. It cost me only a few kisses and hugs, and the work that she did was astounding.

I don't know how I did it, but I also talked Megan into spending her time with me the whole weekend AND to let me stay in her apartment. :)  It was an awesome weekend to say the least where it was filled with many activities. Rather than go through everyday and tell you what I did, I will just tell you that my weekend was filled with all kinds of great food, friends, study time, tennis, babysitting, and rest!!! If you want to know in detail about the weekend just check out this site: littlemissartsypants.blogspot.com She does a much better job of explaining things than I do, and she has the pictures :D

This week upcoming week will be a little hectic for me because I have two tests, but I am going to prepare myself and ace those things! Mondays can't bring me down.

...Thats all I have for you now bloggers, I know it's short but I cannot spend too much time on here because of my studies!

Here is an awesome quote that defines the relationship between Megan and I:

"We are all a little weird, Life's a little weird & When we met someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, We fall in to 'mutual weirdness' & call it love" -Dr. Seuss 

And I can't help but put this pic of good ol' Spongebob!

-You like Krabby Patties don't you Squidward?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Autumn Love!

This weather has gotten me in a great mood! When the weather is this perfect it makes me want to hit the golf course of just go lay in the middle of a field and do nothing all day. Again I have neglected to keep up with my blog so let me fill you in on what went on this past weekend!......By the way this is a picture of my back yard at my apartment! :P

This weekend was filled with a whole lot of good times. In fact it went by so fast that when I asked my girlfriend what we did this whole time she was here, we both couldn't remember everything! I guess time flies when your with someone special. :D

Friday, after I got off of school I went over to Megan's house and we got ready to go to church with her family! Later that night we got Kabuki and OoOoO was it good. We got BOGO sushi (shrimp tempura) and I had one brewskie. She had to drink water....poor Megan.

Saturday, I went and babysat a little guy named Cameron where I whooped up on him in Wii Sports! Don't worry I didn't make him cry, I let him win a lot too (just as I let Megan win sometimes in Mario Kart). After Meg got off, I picked her up and we took the little tike over to his soccer game. Heres a pic of me kicked back with my D & G glasses on :)

(sorry about the quality, if it was my rumor touch it would have been crystal clear!)

Sunday, I got to work with Megan!!! A lot of people showed up that morning at Java Jive to see me and Meg as we argued over who was boss (of course I am). All in all, we dominated work and I had a great time! After work I got dragged into dress shopping with Meg and her family. However it was all worth it because Megan looked gorgeous in everything she tried on. I wish I took pictures of her! After I got the opportunity to finish up my history midterm! Megan made it so much better and she helped me tons!

Monday, Megan had to work and I had to go to school so we did not see much of each other during the day. However, later that day we met up at Java Jive again and chit chatted a little bit before we went to the mall again :) After the mall we went to Kabuki and had the best of both worlds. We both had hibachi chicken AND we had BOGO sushi (this time Boston and Shrimp tempura). By the way, if you know us as a couple at all, you know that we have Asian food almost everyday!

Tuesday, She had to leave me :( However, we got to hang out a little bit. She worked from 6-3 so while she worked, and in between my breaks, I went to Java Jive to see her. Shortly after she got off I had to go to work myself and I left her at about 6.

In a short summary, I had a wonderful weekend + 2days because of her fall break!
Hopefully, I will be able to spend my fall break at the beach! I will keep you all updated!

Love you all
Extreme nerd and master of video games